Sunday, March 20, 2011

OKC, here we come!

It's official! We got the call Thursday. I am so excited! We will finish out our lease here, and then head off to our new home that is 3 1/2 hours from our children, grandchildren, and friends.

We had been talking about this transfer since his company decided to open an SE position there late last year. Geno let his team lead know that we were interested, but felt that if we didn't hear anything by the end of Febrary it just wasn't going to happen for us. When Geno had all of the issues with his back, we thought our chances had gone out the window. Thankfully, the treatment Geno had is working and he is fine as long as he follows doctors orders--no heavy lifting and no working out. The end of February came and went,so I had started hanging some things on the walls and preparing for another year in this townhouse. When his boss called on Monday to see if he was still interested, he told him of course. He then came in to talk to me and let me know that (for a personal reason) if I didn't want to move there then he would call back and we wouldn't go. Since the only reason I might even possibly have is so insignificant compared to the many reasons FOR moving there, I am absolutely ready to go! When Geno travels, I can either go along with him or travel back to see family and friends. We can meet 1/2 way in Tulsa with friends and family to enjoy a nice weekend. There is an NBA team there that we will definitely be getting some tickets to see. There is a temple there, so we can have dates there, volunteer time there and I will even watch children for a select few friends when they come to do sessions ;o)
Because I have 3 months to get everything packed up, I can slowly go through things and do some serious decluttering.

The first thing I can think of is school supplies! Since we don't have any more kids at home, I can get rid of all of those extra pencils, pens, spiral notebooks, markers, etc. I LOVE school supplies and I always buy extra when they are on sale at the beginning of the school year. I bought only one package of $.50 BIC pens for myself this year, but I did buy supplies for Mark that he didn't end up using. I am hoping to go through those over the next week and then donate to a local school that could really use them.

Secondly, all of those decorative items that I brought down here and are just "OK" and not loved will be going to Goodwill. I have been doing a lot of internet research of absolutely adorable ideas that I plan to use in our new home. I am so ready to get those guest rooms set up! We are getting a house this time around...hopefully with a storm cellar ;o)

Finally, I think that I might actually be able to lighten the load in my scrapbook room! I am working so hard on getting through the boys' albums, and then I can get rid of some supplies that I just won't be using. We will see...

Just couldn't resist taking this picture of Geno yesterday. He started not feeling well on Friday night during our date and then it just kept getting worse throughout the weekend. He couldn't sleep Saturday night and was so exhausted. Sunday morning I went out to the living room to watch tv and let him sleep, but he just can't stand to be alone! It is so nice to be needed :o) He came out to the living room and was out in no time. I snuck upstairs to work on my scrapbooks while he slept for about 3 hours. You would think the bed would be so much more comfortable than that chair!

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