Thursday, August 7, 2008

I've got the bestest friends!

So, tonight was the first night of our new book club. Several ladies had mentioned that they read "The Host" by Stephenie Meyer and wanted to discuss it. I have been wanting to join a book club, but just haven't found one. I decided to just start my own. I made these adorable invitations on library cards tucked into library pockets. I didn't even keep one to take a picture, but trust me-they were cute! Well, none of the ladies who wanted to discuss the book even showed up! Alannah gets a free pass because her husband has that horrible bug that is going around and Emily gets way more than a free pass for her current situation and Meg is still out of town. I was thrilled, though, that Missie and Sarah were able to come, because I haven't seen them in FOREVER!

We have been working on the kitchen. We stripped wallpaper. We filled holes and plastered any imperfections. Geno sprayed texture on last night. Mark, Derrick and I primed this morning and then Geno joined us in painting. We decided to just go with the color from the livingroom and let it flow through the rest of the house. Well, once we got started we just kept going. Missie and Sarah and Katie (her husband works with Missie and she is an awesome addition to our little group!) were coming for dinner. I was making homemade crescent rolls and sausage broccoli skillet. Well, we got so tied up in painting that we were running late-AS USUAL! Our 6pm dinner turned into 7pm, but we just ate while we discussed. Carrie was able to join us, too, and it was so fun to get to know her better. She has 4 children and the youngest is now 3. She is just to the point where she feels like she can read "for fun." (I remember once being in a Sunday School class where this older lady would always bring up something that she had read and I was so jealous because I had little ones and no time to read!)
Since we had everything covered in plastic and taped for the texture and painting, we had run to Sonic for lunch where I bought my normal Route 44 Diet Coke-easy ice, please ;o) Well, I have the most thoughtful friends-makes me pale in comparison!-and Sarah showed up first with a large Diet Coke and then Missie and Katie weren't too far behind with a Route 44 Diet Coke! How awesome are they? Of course, I am going to be up all night either bouncing off the walls from all of the caffiene or using the restroom!!

Our next book is "The Shop on Blossom Street" by Debbie Macomber. It is an older one that I have already read, but it is a fun read and Emily needed something light right now. We are talking about reading "The Golden Compass" "Eragon" "Pride and Prejudice" "The Secret Life of Bees" "The Red Tent" and several others that are just for entertainment. Any suggestions from those of you who are readers??


Missie Keller said...

Shells & Cheese:
I had a great time last night!! I ended up meeting Sarah at the library this afternoon to pick up the two copies they carry of "The Shop on Blossom Street". I can't wait to get started!!!
PS. Thanks again for dinner it was yummy!
PSS I am really looking forward to our little book club get togethers every month. Thanks for starting it! :0)

Anonymous said...

Wahoo, glad this mess of trouble gets me a free pass. I will get on the new book asap. I have read the Golden Compass and didn't care for it too much, same with the secret life of bees, but will discuss if chosen, The others sound good though. can't wait to start the new book.

banananutmeg said...

sad I missed out on the fun! Wish I were there and not here with my inlaws!

Kasey said...

Shelly, I really wanted to come, but had to get up at 4am the following morning for a flight, so I was running around like a crazy person until midnight getting ready for my trip. Sorry I forgot to rsvp.

I loved The Shop on Blossom Street and will try to come next month if I'm in town.