Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hello Friend!

I just had to swing by Old Navy yesterday to pick up a St. Patrick's Day shirt for Noodle. I know it is crazy to spend $5 for a shirt to wear just that day, but he didn't have even one green shirt to wear yesterday. I didn't want my sweet little guy to get pinched!
It turned out to be a way better trip that I thought! Right in the front of the store were these manequins-just like the talking ones from the commercial. Zach was instantly drawn to them:
He was especially fond of this little girl:
He kept taking her hand and trying to get her to come and play with him. At first I was so caught up in trying to find him a shirt that I didn't even realize what was going on. Then I saw him talking to the little girl and realized that we have seen this commercial several times over the last couple of weeks. Too cute!!

1 comment:

banananutmeg said...

That is SO funny! He probably thought they were rude for ignoring him!