Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hello. My name is Shelly...

and I am a hot chocoholic!
I LOVE hot chocolate!
Yes, I am a collector. Well, a hoarder actually, but I hate that word because it always makes me think dirty, and I am very sensitive about my love affair with hot chocolate!
Every year Sam's Club gets in seasonal packs of Land O' Lakes hot chocolate varieties. In 2006 I bought one package when they first put out the pallet in October. When I went back a week or two later, they were gone!! I didn't make that mistake again in 2007. I bought 3 multi-packs the first time and I have about 1 1/2 left. Of course, they were hidden in my closet and only came out one box at a time to make sure that all of the best flavors weren't gone first. I am so happy that I have all of this, because I am really going to need it to stay warm during this HUGE SNOW that we are going to get tomorrow ;o)

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