Sunday, August 19, 2007

"Do you mean to tell me...

that you want $700 to fix those two windows?!!!" said Geno.
Car dealer:" Yes. The cable is broken on the passenger side and it is almost broken on the driver's side. You can only buy the cable and motor together as a set."
This was the conversation that got Geno going! He told them to just put the door back together, because we don't have $700 right now, and they duct taped my passenger side window up! That was great to drive around in for a week, and the heat kept melting the adhesive, so I kept adding more duct tape to make it hold!
I suggested maybe a junk yard to find the part. After I fell asleep that night, Geno got on the internet to look for a place to by the motor/cable assembly himself. He actually found a forum where several owners of a Buick Rendevous had the same thing happen to them. They were all talking about $700 and $800 quotes to fix it. One guy actually put some pictures up of what he had discovered in the process and this got Geno going...
He went out to the garage and took apart my passenger side door to find that there was absolutely nothing wrong with the motor or cable (you know, the one that the dealership told us was broken!). Just as the man on the internet had described, there were two plastic clips that were broken. Geno got on GMC parts direct online and ordered the replacement parts for both doors for a grand total of $86! I can only assume that since the guys at Best Motors are certified mechanics that they were actually going to charge us $700, purchase $86 in parts (and they probably get a discount on that!), and then pocket the rest of the money!
Our wonderful friend, Shane Davis, came over and helped Geno put it in. They spent about 1 1/2 hours on it, but they said that most of that time was spent trying to figure out how to do it. Once they figured out one side, the other took about 10 minutes!

Now, you can only truly appreciate this story if you know Geno! Once when we had a leaky faucet when we were first married, he told me to call the plumber. My dad is great with fixing things, so I was totally shocked. He said that he didn't have a clue about replacing faucets, but I told him that you give it a try yourself first and THEN if you can't fix it yourself you call the plumber!! He has come a long way since then!!

1 comment:

banananutmeg said...

shelly this made me laugh so hard...i am the fix it girl in our house FOR SURE. It took me several years of persuasion before i could convince aaron that i ever have any idea what i am doing (99% of the time i really DON'T know when i get started....but i DO know it will be cheaper to go ahead and figure it out myself!)
I think he is finally coming around.