No picture for this one-just an update. I finished gathering all of the photos and sorting them into decades yesterday afternoon. I was watching the season premiere of Bones and started thinking that there just weren't as many as I thought of the portraits taken at studios and school. As soon as Bones was over I looked into the two huge tubs with the boys' school papers, certificates, ribbons, etc. and there they were-about 200-300 more photos to sort! Well, that is all done and I am now in the phase of taking a decade and putting it in order by year. I am all the way up to the 90's-which is a shoebox stacked completely full and leaning onto something about 12 inches high to keep it from falling over and then some on the floor, too. It seems like a lot, but not as much as the 2000's! That is TWO plastic bins completely full! It will be so worth it when it is done, though ;o)
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