Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Good Morning, Sunshine!

Hello! How are you? Gonna wake up the sunshine and share a day with you!

Ok, I'll stop now! Do you remember that song from Captain Kangaroo? Remember before you answer that you will be showing your age!

I used to sing this song to the boys every morning as I would come into their rooms and open the curtains wide to let in the sun. They were all incredibly annoyed (and not just by my horrible off-key singing), but because they are not happy morning people like me.

I think that we are a species all unto ourselves, really. I mean, I am happier in the morning and I LOVE MORNINGS! I get so much more done in the morning with a happier attitude AND I don't have to pay for electricity to see. I have really been struggling with this for the last couple of years, since Geno is not a morning person. (Just a warning to anyone reading this!) Geno is also a very cuddly, sit by me, "stay with me while I do what I do" kind of person. I AM NOT. None of those things fit me actually! Opposites attract ;o) I have a very large personal zone. I don't really enjoy just sitting, because I am too busy worrying about what all I need to be doing. I would rather watch a movie while I scrapbook or cut something out or work on some project. I guess that explains why I miss so much in a movie or tv show and have to go back and watch it again while I am doing another project to see if I can catch the rest of it!!

Anyway, I had to make a decision for me. I am a morning person and I get way more done in the morning. If I stay up with Geno at night and then get up in the morning, too, I am exhausted. So...I decided that I have to be in bed no later than 11pm, and then I can get up at 6am. So far today, I have made breakfast for Derrick (Sorry, Mark! I was thinking that he was going to track and I didn't think he eats before that!); cooked up 10 pounds of hamburger to freeze for quick meals like tacos, sloppy joes, etc.; cut up a pork loin into pork chops and pork roasts for later meals; cleaned my mess in the kitchen; rotated laundry; and done 30 minutes of yoga! Zachary should be waking up soon and I will make him breakfast and get him ready for the day, so that I can continue to be productive. I am all about productive ;o)

I did make some New Year's Resolutions, I guess. I have had some goals that I want to work on, but I decided to break them down into monthly (and even weekly goals). This week, my goals are:
1. I can have a Rt. 44 Diet Coke from Sonic every other day. Otherwise I get water. This is my attempt at cutting out the caffiene!
2. Brush up on water storage info and start saving some. I have a few 2 liter bottles from soda washed out and ready to use. This all would have been handy last year when the water main broke in front of our house!
3. Put together a food storage inventory plan. I am tired of not knowing what I have OR what we use most. I spend $20/week on food storage, but I need to know what I actually do have.
4. Do yoga 3 times this week. I know that it is a slow start, but I will increase over the next few weeks.
5. Work on having more meaning personal prayer.
6. No eating out! Well, this was broken on Monday when we stopped at McD's for lunch, but that is it so far. I have meals planned and we are doing great so far!!
7. Brush my teeth morning and night. I am great with morning, but I am horrible about just dropping into bed at night without doing it.
8. Complete one unit of Penn Foster. I am currently taking online classes for medical transcription. I feel the need to contribute to our family income and help us out of the debt that we incurred during the jobless situation. My progress was slowed quite a bit by having Zachary and I don't think that I will be able to work full-time for quite a while, but I still want to get it done!!


Missie Keller said...

Hey! Glad you see you post again! See you Saturday night!

Missie! (I decided that I needed an exclamation point after my name since my message above has one after every sentance! I am a "!" over user! LOL)!

The Rickard 5 said...

Ok, I am tired just reading that. You wrote morning person so many times that it kind of blurred my vision. LOL I am jealous that you are a morning person. I am so NOT. Life would be much happier if it began around 9AM..or so.

banananutmeg said...

I love your goals. That is a lot for one week. Hopefully, you will cut yourself some slack on other weeks and make sure you have a goal to "go one a date with Geno W/OUT noodle"--believe it or not, you might eventually have a night when he is willing to part with the little guy..well maybe!
Keep up your lists, and post some recipes on sister share, you...i'm sick of making the same stuff, and the bean recipe you gave me was so awesome that darcie is making it for her family tonight!