Thursday, July 10, 2008

Can you say HUGE?

Geno was wandering around outside of his work to take a break last week and found some blackberry bushes just full of ripe fruit waiting to be picked. I called Nancy and we spent about an hour there picking today. These were HUGE! Nancy said that she had never seen such big berries. I don't have much experience in this area, so I will take her word for it. This is a picture of a blackberry that is about the average size you see on the bushes and then the one on the right is one from these bushes!

Now I drive up the roads noticing these bushes. I put a bucket, gloves, and a long-sleeved shirt in my car and I am going to pick up some rubber boots tonight. I can't let all of these berries go to waste!

1 comment:

banananutmeg said...

shelly, my backyard is FULL of these and every year the squirrels get to them first. I am hoping to beat them to the punch this year. How do you know when they're ripe?
Love me some blackbery freezer jam!