I have an entire list of topics from the last few weeks to blog about-and then some random topics that I thought would be fun-and the list just keeps getting longer and I haven't blogged. Well, I will do my best to knock out that list over the next week.
What do you think about this rain? We have missed the real damage by only a few feet (a tree fell on our neighbor's house!) but we have benefited greatly from the rain. It is absolutely beautiful and green outside! Geno bought me this miniature rose bush 3 years ago for Valentine's Day, and it is so pretty. I love it! I just don't know anything about plants, so do I need to cut the roses and put them in a vase and the bush will continue to thrive?? This is about the only color that we have outside our house right now. Geno has killed every plant that I have put out-until this year. He has been banned from the Round-up! If you think that I am kidding, you just need to ask our good friends, Shane and Nancy. He has good intentions every year of killing the weeds, and he takes my freshly planted flower beds with them EVERY YEAR!!

Hanging planters were always a safe bet for me (no weeds for Geno to try to kill!) and we used to hang out 3 on our front porch. Every year we would have at least 3 mama birds come and build nests in each of the planters (so we would have 9 sets of babies!) It was always so much fun to watch them build their nests and to watch the babies grow and leave the nests-until Isaac came along. Isaac is a 5 year-old cat who showed up at our house 3 years ago in the middle of winter. Well, I couldn't just send him away, so we ended up making a home for him. He is so loving and friendly, but he is quite the hunter. The baskets were like a Birdie Buffet for the little guy! I just couldn't take watching him kill another one, so we stopped hanging out the baskets. (By the way, if anyone needs to get rid of some pests, Isaac is the cat for you. He comes with his own little house, carrier, and we will even throw in some food! Free delivery included. He is such a great hunter that he even goes right into the squirrel nests in the trees and gets the babies. Some prefer that, but I am too much of an animal lover!)
This is Emily:

Emily is my favorite cat. I picked her out when she was only 8 weeks old. She has attitude and I love it. She used to not want to be bothered, but when we made her an outside cat, she became incredibly loving!! She is kind of a hunter, but why put out the effort when we bring her all the hard cat food she can eat and then soft food at night! Right?
Well, Emily had been sitting outside watching the nesting box we have on our back deck(another "pre-Isaac" purchase.) We have had bees and dirt dobbers build in there, but never any birds. I didn't even think anything about it until Geno and the boys left to do Mother' s Day shopping last Wednesday and I was cleaning the kitchen. I always dump the food over our deck for the critters. When I went outside, Emily was sitting there looking down and feathers were flying everywhere! It always makes me sad. However, I do understand the circle of life and I just prefer that they eat whatever they have SOMEWHERE ELSE-especially someplace where I can't see or hear it! Then it occured to me...check the nesting box. This is what I found:
Four little eggs. Four little eggs with no mama bird right before Mother's Day! How sad is that! I hope that your Mother's Day was better than theirs!
Well, I need to get a shower and start on my list for today which includes paying a car payment, writing our love story for the contest Melanie Merkling is having (check out the link above), clean the kitchen, upload photos to scrapbookpictures.com and start my order (4x6 photos are 12 cents each right now), finish my second unit for school and take the exam, take Brian to work, pick up Derrick from school, and make homemade crescent rolls and sausage broccoli skillet for dinner tonight for the Davis family and our family to celebrate the season finale of Smallville!
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