Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Halloween was so much more fun this year. We didn't have to fight with teenagers about scary costumes and we got to see how fun it is for little ones to get excited about a piece of candy. It reminded me of Halloween 1987 when I spent hours making quilted leaves for a Lil' Sprout costume for Brian. Not one person knew who he was! Doesn't anyone watch tv or eat Green Giant veggies? Anyway, we had gotten all worked up for that exciting first trick-or-treat moment. He rang the doorbell, yelled "trick-or-treat", got a Hershey bar, said "thank you", and then sat down on the steps to eat it. He was no longer interested in going to any more houses. He was totally satisfied with that one piece of candy!
We picked out a huge pumpkin for Zachary and Elizabeth to carve this year. Of course, when I got out the camera, both sets of batteries were dead and both batteries for the camcorder were, too. They were both completely charged for yesterday, but then I didn't even use them very much! Isn't that always how it works?

We went to trunk-or-treat at our church on Saturday night. The first piece of candy given to him was a Tootsie Roll. He popped it into his mouth-paper and all! Elizabeth had a time getting it back! This is the same costume I made for his Daddy's first Halloween 18 years ago!
He had a party at his daycare, too. This boy loves food. I am so happy to say that he took the cupcakes and cookie right off of his plate and set them aside before eating first his banana, then cheese cubes, crackers and goldfish! He has been around his PaPa long enough to get those good eating habits!!
By the end of the evening, he was ready to head home. He had a bag full of candy, and he was ready for bed. We only went around a couple of streets in Hanover where we knew a few families. His PaPa pulled him along in the wagon and he enjoyed checking out the decorations.

1 comment:

banananutmeg said...

cute cute cute!
It was fun getting to know Elizabeth at super saturday. We'll have to get a picture of the kids in their capes together!

BTW, i know how you feel about the costume...i spent forever on a red Raggedy Ann wig for reese last year, and she was terrified of it. When i finally got her to put it on, everyone thought she was a clown. Didn't anyone else have a raggedy ann doll when they were little? oh well. Zachary was a cute pumpkin.